Help Wanted!

This is a new page for our website. We receive a lot of requests for help/information and to give people the best opportunity to find the information they are looking for, we've set up this information sharing page. If you have an enquiry or request you would like added to this page, please email us with the details at

The guidelines for this page are:
  • If you email us with a 'Help Wanted' request, we will let you know when it is being added to the website.
  • We will list your query as you have described or as closely as possibly by mutual agreement and it and will include your email address so that respondents can contact you directly if they think they can help you.
  • 'Help Wanted' posts will be listed on a first come first serve basis.
  • Caerphilly Local History Society will notify you if we need to remove your query from the website to allow space for newer enquiries. If you'd like your query relisted, please let us know.
  • If you have any questions, Just Ask!

Help Wanted:

We are currently reviewing this page.  Please check back soon.



Monday 14th October

Will Cross - Shirley Bassey:  The early years of a Welsh Musical Legent  click here.

Our Website...


We are a small organsation but aim to reach as many people as possible through our website and facebook.  Please feel free to contact us and we appreciate your patience if there's a small delay in our reply.



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